10 min. read
April 17, 2024

The New EthereansOS Dapp: The Beast Unleashed

Unlock the Future of Decentralization and Ethereum with the New EthereansOS Dapp

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EthereansOS offers a secure, no-code operating system designed to simplify on-chain building and coordination for all Ethereum users, regardless of their technical expertise.

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It is Time

After months of relentless dedication, Ethereans Labs is proud to announce a significant update to our dapp for the EthereansOS protocol. This release is not just an enhancement; it represents a pivotal moment in our journey. This marks the fulfillment of the promise made in 2021 when the smart contracts for EthereansOS were deployed. Starting today, our tools are genuinely accessible and empowering for users. Let’s dive in.

Introducing Launch Factory

Forget the hassle of coding; this feature lets you unleash your token dreams. Fast, secure, and ridiculously user-friendly.

One of the standout features of this update is Launch Factory. It’s a game-changer for anyone looking to create their token without delving into the complexities of coding. Launch Factory enables you to deploy a token quickly and seamlessly, making the process more accessible than ever before. While being rapid launch, it still takes advantage of the ITEM factory, meaning each token is backed with the secure onchain deployment that powers the $OS token and enjoys the same features that make ITEMs a powerhouse. Launch Factory is the new standard for rapid token deployment. Don’t let your memes be just dreams.

What Else is New:

Launch Factory is not the only new part of the dapp, we are also shipping two of the most requested features with this build.

For those that crave that sleek, midnight look.

Dark Mode: We brought deep rich colors to our dapp that are perfect for night-owls. A modern design option that’s easy on the eyes, offset with bright action buttons that capture attention and begs you to press them. Dark mode is the standard viewing experience for our dapp and we made sure everything looks great.

Drag, drop, deploy.

Direct File Uploads: The largest headache and roadblock from previous versions was the need to interact with IPFS to launch anything on the platform. No more. We added direct file uploads to the dapp. Now ITEMs, Organizations, and Delegations can now all be created entirely without the use of third party tools. There is no longer a need to leave the dapp during deployment. This makes the process not only smoother, but faster as well. And yes, you can still point to an external URL if you would rather, but we believe the majority of deployments will use native file uploads.

Enhanced User Experience:

We also strived to make the creation flow and navigation as simple as possible with this update. To accomplish that we implemented the following improvements.

Navigation is smoother, layouts are smarter, and creating Organizations and ITEMs is now a walk in the metaverse.

Improved Navigation: We adjusted the navigation to be more consistent in the platform and made creation accessible from more places. This adjustment brings the dapp in-line with other first-class experiences in crypto.

Layout Adjustments: We’ve reorganized the interface to ensure that information is easier to find and understand. From individual ITEM view, to Organization governance proposals, to browsing collections, relevant information is now more readily accessible and structured intuitively.

Organization and ITEM creation is now a buttery smooth experience.

Streamlined Organization and ITEM Creation: Organizations and ITEMs creation has been greatly refined. Beyond the file upload, more intuitive elements were added to better visualize the structure being created. The Hard Cap sliders dynamically reacts to the Quorum slider, ensuring Organizations are not only set up correctly, but also to give an intuitive feeling to the meaning behind these sliders. There are several other instances of this type of behavior in the process, but we will leave you to experience them yourself.

This update isn’t just about new features; it’s a statement. EthereansOS is not just a set of tools; it’s a powerhouse that puts the power of decentralization in your hands.

Delivering on Our Promise

This update is a testament to our commitment to delivering on the promises we made years ago. EthereansOS has always been more than just a set of tools; it’s a robust and user-friendly platform that truly makes decentralized applications accessible to everyone.


At Ethereans Labs, our mission has always been to democratize access to decentralized technologies. With this the new dapp, we are proud to say that we are not just meeting but exceeding that goal. We invite you to experience the new and improved EthereansOS dapp and join us in shaping the future of decentralization.

Discover the new EthereansOS and unlock the full potential of decentralization. Visit https://ethereansos.eth.limo/ to start your journey.

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