10 min. read
March 14, 2024

Farming PEAS with EthereansOS

We’ve been keeping a close eye on the amazing work with PEAS and the upcoming v2 Pods. Incredible innovation!

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📣 Exciting News for @PeapodsFinance Community! 📣

We’ve been keeping a close eye on the amazing work with PEAS and the upcoming v2 Pods. Incredible innovation!

As deep admirers of the Peas project, @ethereansOS has been pondering how to accelerate the adoption of new v2 pods, allowing them to begin utilizing the PEAS flywheel.

The Challenge: PEAS infinite money glitch and flywheel works best when there is sufficient liquidity for a pod token. At the launch of a new pod, there is by definition very little to no liquidity for the pod, making it difficult for arbitrage and the flywheel effect to take place.

@EthereansOS Farming contracts help new pods overcome this hurdle by enabling pod creators to directly incentivize initial pod liquidity with any asset over any time frame. In layman’s terms, we help people bootstrap their shiny new pod 🚜💧

How it works: A protocol or pod creator supplies capital to the farm to encourage people to wrap into their pod and provide initial liquidity. This capital is distributed to farmers based on their share in the farm during a set period of blocks. For instance, if a farmer contributes 30% of the total capital during a block, they receive 30% of the rewards for that block.

This incentivizes the pod’s liquidity pool, growing it’s TVL as new liquidity providers wrap and provide pod liquidity to jump in the farm. The pod’s mechanisms then kick in as arbitrage begins to happen between existing Uniswap liquidity pools and the newly established pod pool. In essence, by providing incentives at the outset and setting the flywheel in motion, it allows PEAS to work it’s magic.

ANY new pod can adopt this strategy at an incredibly low cost with no coding necessary! It’s a game-changer because it pairs PEAS’ incredible flywheel with @EthereansOS farms’ ability to get it spinning faster at the start. We’re talking less than $40 to deploy your own farming contracts on Ethereum Mainnet, with no coding required!

For example, $OS will be creating a v2 pod, $pOS, to utilize the PEAS flywheel. When the pod first launches, there will be very little $pOS liquidity, which means there will be minimal arbitrage, which means the APR for $pOS will be very low, and there will be little incentive to wrap into the pod. This is what is currently happening with the low TVL v1 pods.🥲

To get over the initial barrier, we plan to deploy a farm to incentivize initial $pOS liquidity, effectivly juicing the APR for providing liquidity for the first few weeks. This will provide the needed economic incentive to get $OS holders to wrap into $pOS, seeding the second liquidity pool, growing arbitrage opportunities, growing the $pOS APR, and enabling full utilization of the PEAS flywheel.🥳

We did not want to wait for the Green Arrow update to show off how these farms can work, so we deployed the ppPP-DAI Uniswap v3 pool (https://etherscan.io/address/0x8e8a11c19b6b929329a6b9f782aed5aef11c3516) and are incentivizing it with $500 of ETH in a farm we deployed for under $20! The $500 in ETH incentives will be paid out over 5 days for LP’s to this pool as a proof of concept. Check it out and add liquidity here 👉 http://tinyurl.com/4dm95d9w

The goal? Eliminate barriers and empower everyone to spin up their own v2 pod! We think this could be a crucial link on the road to mass adoption for PEAS, and we at @ethereansOS are committed to making it happen!

And if you want to dive even further into EthereansOS amazing tech, create a DAO and whole community for your new v2 POD and govern the pod/treasury as a community! You can name the pod token as a governance token in your DAO (giving another reason to accumulate YOUR pod token) and the treasury acts as a community multi-sig!

We are even setting up a new Organization (read:DAO) in our Dapp for a real-life demonstration, showcasing how EthereansOS tech complements the PEAS experience beyond farms. There are endless possibilities for PEAS with EthereansOS 🤝

An in-depth Farm setup guide 👉 http://tinyurl.com/yptkemep

Create a farm here 👉 http://tinyurl.com/mrwjh9cu

and check out active setups here 👉 http://tinyurl.com/3azhskay

Link to the Docs 👉 http://tinyurl.com/t937uj6t

Join the @PeapodsFinance Revolution today and let’s grow together! 🤝

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