Freuqently Asked Questions

What is EthereansOS trying to solve?

EthereansOS aims to democratize access to Ethereum, enabling users to build, govern, and innovate on the blockchain without the need for coding expertise. It addresses the complexity of creating and managing decentralized applications by offering a no-code platform that simplifies the launch and governance of tokens, DAOs, NFTs, and DeFi products. Additionally, it offers a number of onchain coordination mechanisms. 

What is an L1+?

L1+ refers to EthereansOS's positioning as an enhancement layer on top of Ethereum's base layer (L1). It acts as an "application layer" or "value layer," offering tools and services that extend Ethereum's capabilities without needing to alter its foundational protocol. This layer facilitates easier, safer, and more innovative ways to build on Ethereum.

Why are you the "Operating System of Ethereum"?

EthereansOS is dubbed the "Operating System of Ethereum" because it provides the foundational infrastructure and tools necessary for building, managing, and operating decentralized applications and services on Ethereum. Much like an operating system supports software development and execution on a computer, EthereansOS supports the seamless creation and management of blockchain-based projects.

What all can I do with EthereansOS?

With EthereansOS, you can:
- Launch and govern DAOs.
- Create and manage tokens, including ERC-20s and NFTs.
- Deploy and participate in DeFi products and liquidity pools.
- Utilize modular smart contract factories for bespoke blockchain solutions.
- Manage on-chain treasuries and execute automatic code & proposals.

Is it safe to use EthereansOS? Can I verify onchain that my factory is secure?

Yes, EthereansOS prioritizes security and transparency. All smart contracts, including those generated by the Factory of Factories, are subject to rigorous testing and usage. Users can verify the security and integrity of their deployed factories on-chain, ensuring that the smart contract has not been tampered with and that all operations are transparent, tamper-proof, and aligned with the highest security standards in the industry.

What is an ITEMS NFT and how is it different than ERC404?

It is the NFT face of the $OS token. Much like ERC404, $OS shows up as both token and NFT in transfers. You can learn more about ITEMS vs ERC404 in this thread: 

Where is $OS Token listed?

The $OS token can primarily be traded on Uniswap on the Ethereum network, offering the main liquidity pool for users. Additionally, it's listed on Velodrome Finance on the Optimism network for Layer 2 solutions (, and on the centralized exchange (CEX) XeggeX ( for broader access.

Is the liquidity locked?

Liquidity for the $OS token is entirely community-driven, with all liquidity provided by community members through farming. The EthereansOS team does not own any $OS tokens and has no liquidity provider (LP) positions, ensuring a decentralized and user-supported liquidity system.

What is the circulating supply?

The $OS token launched with an initial supply of 1,000,000 tokens in October 2021. It inflates at a rate of 8% per year to support the ecosystem's growth and reward participation. The supply is fully decentralized with no tokens allocated to the team, and the inflation rate can be adjusted through a token holder vote, with a minimum of 0.5% and a maximum of 15% per year.

How does the $OS token accrue value?

The $OS token gains value through several mechanisms tied to the usage and fees of EthereansOS tools:

1. Fee Burning:
Fees paid in $OS are burnt, reducing the total supply and potentially increasing the value per token.

2. ETH Fees:
Fees paid in ETH contribute to the ecosystem's treasury, which is directly managed by $OS token holders through various governance mechanisms, including delegations and direct investments.

3. ERC-20 Fees:
Fees paid in other ERC-20 tokens are allocated to the investment fund, fully controlled by $OS holders. This fund's proceeds may be used to buy back and burn $OS tokens, directly benefiting holders by reducing supply and potentially increasing value.This multifaceted approach to value accrual ensures $OS holders benefit from the ecosystem's success, with clear paths for participating in governance and benefiting from EthereansOS's growth and utility.

Additionally, The $OS token accrues value as it controls EthereansOS's Factory of Factories, enabling no-code creation of smart contracts with revenue-generating potential. Fees generated by these factories directly benefit $OS holders: fees in $OS are burnt, reducing supply; fees in ETH enhance the treasury, governed by $OS holders; and ERC-20 fees fuel an investment fund, also under $OS holder control. This unique ecosystem design places $OS at the center of value creation and governance, offering direct benefits from the platform's widespread adoption and utility. 

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